Preparing the Soil
Organic farming is a type of agriculture that relies on natural processes, rather than the use of artificial chemicals, to enhance the fertility of the land. This means working with the natural systems that exist in the soil, rather than against them. One of the key principles of organic farming is that the land should […]
Water Pan Installation
Farmers install Janet’s water pan. The lining material and installation was supported by OACK in October and November.
Preparing Organic Compost Manure
Organic compost manure is one of the best ways to fertilize your garden. It is full of nutrients that will help your plants grow healthy and strong. Here are some tips on how to prepare organic compost manure. Organic compost manure is one of the best ways to fertilize your garden. It is full of […]
Best Farm
Farmers learn about management of cucumber in the Bestfarm during an exchange visit in October
Mwarano Primary Pupils Training
Mwarano Primary environmental clubs pupils mulch an avacado tree after planting in their school compund. Photo by David Karanja during pupils training
Farmers Undergoing FPE Training
Farmers undergoing practical on FPE making during the training in Kandara